Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bangbros Vídeos Gratis


12/10/2010 Dear Friends Alumni.

We are only 4 days to meet again at the luncheon organized by the Promotion 1972. I have witnessed the exception of Julian spirit that unites them and the work they have done so neat for a year to move forward with this 2nd REUNION LUNCHEON. I'm sure everyone who attended spend unforgettable moments.

Reunion Lunch From last year to the day Today, we have several initiatives that have been designed to awaken and develop the unity between all who are alumni Julian. Some of these initiatives have been both recreational and organized mini-soccer championships, the first for the Promotion 1995 and the second for the Promotion 1991. On the cultural level, we had the initiative in calling the 1985 promotion for the tribute and presentation of artistic works of Professor Julio León Gómez and in terms of interpersonal relationships we have taken the initiative of Promotion 1973 for support and appreciation Professor Miguel Irivarren and solidarity call for the Promotion 1994 to join in the pursuit of our Sergio Encinas alumnus disappeared in Chachapoyas.

All these great efforts have revolved around the spirit of unity, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing together around a common goal, the solid group concept, however, scattered at his call, not achieved the impact that could have achieved if the initiative had been adopted by all promotions. I think we can all agree that the results would have been much higher.

seems that the time has come to make things change, the fact is that over the past year we have been strengthening in our minds the idea that since we are a group of alumni and true. Today we can say that the Alumni Association of the College of St. Julian was no longer just an idea, because 75 alumni responded to the call to come together to develop it, but our Alumni Association College of San Julian, is neither should be, the group of 75 enthusiastic, but rather, the gathering of all who were part of the College. You are missing in this Association.

This Saturday, when entering the Reunion Luncheon, there will be facilities for all alumni of the school to enroll in the association. Those who wish may sign up at the time filling out a form with your personal data and 30 soles for entries may be paid at the time or subsequently deposited in a bank account. The important thing is that our Alumni Association continues to grow and to strengthen.

This Board will work very closely with the Board of Deputies of each Promotion, will ensure the pluralist representation in the agreements made and a more transparent use of funds raised.

Dear Alumni, we have your participation. Join us this Saturday 16 in the 2nd Reunion Luncheon Alumni Association of San Julian. A big hug

Mario Martinez-Vargas
Alumni Association Colegio San Julián


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